
Join Us In Our Mission

We offer opportunities for individuals, groups, and corporations throughout the year at our various locations. Volunteer opportunities are available for all our programs starting from our preschool aged children to the adults at our Social Adult Day Center.

Examples of ways to get involved by volunteering include but are not limited to:

  • Hosting a workshop with our teens.
  • Doing a craft or project with our preschool or after school classrooms.
  • Running an activity at our Social Adult Day Center.
  • Assisting in a maintenance project.

Want to help but don’t have time to volunteer on a consistent basis? Host a fundraiser or donation drive!

Our core belief is that
everyone deserves a chance
for a happy, healthy, and
productive life.

Volunteer Today

Reach out to our Volunteer Coordinator to brainstorm ideas based on your interests and our current needs. If individual volunteering interests you please fill out the application, otherwise please reach out to Rachel – rmandell@cfp-mnh.org

By the Numbers


Lives Positively Impacted


Programs Tailored to All Ages


Volunteer Hours Contributed This Year

Cornerstone Family Programs